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时间:2024-04-27 08:58来源: 作者:admin 点击: 53 次
              中国新闻社组织机构 |             &nb



    中国新闻社组织机构 |    











  The Chinanews online service (Chinanews.com) is the website launched by China News Service (CNS).

  CNS was established by Chinese journalists and renowned experts from home and abroad on September 14, 1952. It is one of the only two news agencies in China’s mainland. After 50 years of construction and development, CNS has developed well. With the headquarters based in Beijing, it has branches in 23 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China’s mainland, and in Hong Kong and Macao, as well as in the US, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, Thailand and Malaysia. The UNESCO has ranked 174 news agencies from all over the world into 5 levels, as the Associated Press, Reuters, and AFP are listed in the level A, and CNS is among level B.

  As a Chinese-language media, CNS is the pioneer in Asia setting up its Internet portal. The website was launched in Hong Kong in 1995. On January 1, 1999, the official website was launched by the headquarters of CNS in Beijing.

  Since its debut, Chinanews immediately stood out with unparalleled advantages in original news by CNS, becoming a news resource for plenty of domestic and overseas web media. In accordance with the style of CNS, Chinanews features "both international view and amiability". Chinanews provides accurate, abundant, timely and lively news and information. It attracts a great number of netizens, especially professionals of network, journalism, finance and economics.

  So far, Chinanews consists of the news center, the frontpage, and various channels including world, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, overseas Chinese, finance and economics, auto, estate, IT, education, health, entertainment, sports, photos, videos, community, and selection of overseas Chinese-language articles. In addition, it has established a photo gallery. All these contents provide you with accurate, timely and diverse news, photos and online videos in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Especially, the dynamic online news is timely and accurate, and the in-depth reports are exclusive, which are always cited by domestic and overseas web media.

  Chinanews has been enriched gradually since its debut, and the influences have extended to the world. So far, all the well-known commercial websites in China are the clients of Chinanews. Meanwhile, many overseas Chinese websites exchange links with Chinanews. Chinanews also manages more than 30 local websites supported by the CNS branches in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Chongqing, Jilin, Fujian, Jiangsu, Xinjiang and so on, offering plenty of local news and information.

  Tel: 8610-68327649
Fax: 8610-68327649
Address: No.12 Baiwanzhuang Nanjie, Xicheng
         District, Beijing 100037, PRC

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