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时间:2024-05-01 17:23来源: 作者:admin 点击: 231 次
3月6日,新加坡卫生部兼通讯及新闻部高级政务部长普杰立医生在国会发言,新加坡人口正在加速老龄化,需要加强医疗系统,以迎接这些挑战。 以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英







洪维能先生询问了有关建设更多诊所的计划,以满足我们老龄化人口的需求,特别是在西部地区。目前有25个诊所和超过1000家健康SG计划的全科医生医疗诊所。到2030年,我们将拥有32个诊所,并希望有更多的健康SG 计划的全科医生医疗诊所。西部地区将建设三个新的诊所;登加的新诊所将于2025年完工,油池的新诊所将于2027年完工,达曼裕廊的新诊所将于2028年。现有的金文泰和裕廊的鑫诊所则将在2030年之前扩建。




The Senior Minister of State for Health (Dr Janil Puthucheary): Mr Chair, our population is ageing rapidly. As we age, we become more susceptible to developing serious diseases. As a nation, we have become less healthy in the past decade, with a general rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases, such as hypertension.

Life expectancy in Singapore has improved over the last 10 years. Seniors are increasingly living alone, and this trend is expected to continue as our population ages and average household size decreases. For all these reasons and others, the strain on individuals and their families and the impact on our healthcare system will increase significantly in the coming years.

We need to strengthen our healthcare system to meet these challenges by proactively encouraging healthier lifestyles, and preventing or delaying the onset of poor health. This involves strengthening healthcare services in the community closer to individuals' everyday environment, and leveraging our extensive network of family doctors and community partners as necessary. While we continue to invest in building new healthcare infrastructure, upgrading existing ones, we are also expanding our primary and community care services.

Studies have shown that individuals with a regular family doctor experience better health outcomes, including fewer hospitalisations and emergency department visits. Beyond managing our acute and chronic illnesses, the primary care team also plays a vital role in preventing the onset of serious illnesses. An ongoing relationship with a regular doctor allows for deeper understanding and familiarity with patients' medical conditions, sensitivities to medications and foods, and their day-to-day lives of the patient. This results, ultimately, in better care.

Mr Ang Wei Neng asked about plans to build more polyclinics to cater to the increasing demands of our ageing population, particularly in the Western region. There are 25 polyclinics and over 1,000 Healthier SG GP clinics today. By 2030, we will have 32 polyclinics, and we hope to have more Healthier SG GP clinics. There will be three new polyclinics in the western region; one in Tengah will be completed by 2025, another in Yew Tee by 2027 and the third in Taman Jurong by 2028. The existing Clementi Polyclinic and Jurong Polyclinic will also be redeveloped by 2030 to increase their capacities.

I agree with Dr Tan Wu Meng on the need to ensure adequate accessibility between polyclinics and major transportation nodes. For the redeveloped Clementi Polyclinic, MOH has worked with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to ensure that sheltered pedestrian access will be provided between the building and Clementi MRT station's nearest exit, save for the junction across Clementi Ave 3, where such shelters will not be practical, because the junction is wide and there are double-decker buses passing through.

As our society ages, we need to ensure that seniors' social and health needs are adequately supported in the community. Having strong social support networks have been shown to contribute to better health outcomes. This is particularly important for seniors who live alone and are at risk of social isolation. AACs will collaborate with healthcare providers, including family doctors, as well as work with other community providers and Government agencies for active ageing programmes.

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